Softening the Edge by Mimi Nicklin

••Book Review•• An unparallel journey inked with empathetic narrative and empathy as the base element in today's corporate world. The author has, with impeccable clarity narrowed the gap that exists within us as individuals and among us as members of a corporation. The Empathy Deficit, the timeline the author draws upon us and the reason... Continue Reading →

The Breakthrough by Meghna Bajaj

••Book Review•• The intricate philosophical realm unearthed, explored and explained, not just with words as reference but with living examples and their struggle moulding this explanation.The foreword of the book mentions "Even her prose has a poetic touch", the statement not only describes perfectly what is to follow, but in a nutshell culminates the veracity... Continue Reading →

Once upon a Confinement by Abhishek Ram | Book Review

The author @abhishek.ramanarayanan has mastered the art of observing,his poetry; individually and collectively is an illustration of this. The pandemic has created an indelible imprint on humans and humanity, the poems here try to convey this imprint in words, and they've successfully accomplished their purpose. ..'To home' he said with a cracking voice,Livelihood lost and... Continue Reading →

Be Better Bit by Bit by Nishith Goyal | Book Review

The "Be Better Bit-By-Bit" model, or what is stated simply as the B5 model through its 12 chapters slowly, carefully and in a calculative manner narrates to us the philosophy that the author has cultivated through his personal experiences.As always, anything substantial is a result of something; in this case it's the author's dedication, his... Continue Reading →

Marbella|Book Review

The book blends mythology, fantasy into the world of music men, with Badoga narrating the story of Marbella.The Norse mythology with a pinch of magical powers and remembrance, makes it an interesting read. The author's art of storytelling is familiar; as it was in the first book; with a pinch of enhancement in his imagination... Continue Reading →

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